Tuesday, January 11, 2011

How You Touch Me

I was surfing Youtube yesterday and stumbled across the 1941 classic Little Foxes, starring Bette Davis.

The film is set in the early 20th century, with Davis playing a Southern aristocrat named Regina Hubbard Giddens. Regina comes from a wealthy family, but is not given an inheritance because at that time only sons were considered legal heirs. Bummer. As a result, her brothers Benjamin and Oscar are loaded while she has to depend on her loser husband Horace for money, who has heart trouble.

The cold heartlessness of the scene struck me, and I thought, maybe people can dance to this.

Notice the crazy death stare that begins at 1:12. Pure evil!

How You Touch Me by Haizee

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

icey and hot. Love it